Purse Auction Update: Benefitting FOE #3054-Families in Need

Thank you members! You showed up and we raised an amazing amount this year! $4106!!!

Through-out the year, our members donate new or “gently used” purses, (thank you Judy Klep, Edna Hawk, Penny Lowry and Bonnie VanValkenberg, to name a few) or fun little trinkets (or shoes!) to put inside the purses or gift bags, (thank you Steve Young, Shelly McCullough and Lorraine Wesolowski). I am never too sure who exactly drops off donations, so if I have missed someone, I apologize, but please know you are appreciated and important to the success of this fun event!

Special thanks to our crew: Jeff Tucker, our auctioneer! Our “lunch lady cashier'”: WMP Schonda Yamry, Lisa Thibodeaux, (purse model extraordinaire), and Andres Jimenez, (record keeper and auction cashier).

More Special thanks to: Robin Spicer for those wonderful flyers! Lisa Tibodeaux for Purse Auction Pre SetUp. Penny Lowry and Kelli Tauvell for help with “day of” set up and tear down.

The “men” of the FOE #3054 Aerie for your “special donation” …every year the men pool together and “win” a purse that is then gifted one special lady…although they are all special ❤this year’s purse was gifted to Kelli Tauvell in gratitude for all she does for our wonderful Club.

Last but never least: The Small Businesses that supported! Judy’s Bags, Shell’s Kitchen and High Strung Christmas Lights. As announced at the Purse Auction: High Strung Christmas Lights is going to donate Christmas Lights, complete with Installation and Removal for 2 of our deserving families this Holiday Season!

With so much Gratitude!

Leesa Nelson-Purse Auction Chairperson/Organizer

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